5 Tips to Help Yourself Set Goals

DeathtoStock_SlowDown3I was never really good at setting goals. Throughout high school and up through my college graduation, I accomplished tasks as I was given them but never had a reason to intentionally think about things I wanted to accomplish.

In an effort to be more intentional about setting goals and following through with them, I created my 101 in 1001 list. Inspired by Mackensie Horan at Design Darling, this is a list of 101 things I would like to accomplish in 1001 days. It’s a way to help me keep track of smaller goals and work towards larger ones as well.

In the spirit of crushing goals, here are 6 tips to help yourself set some goals and maybe complete a 101 in 1001 list yourself!

1. Think about what makes you happy

As simple as this sounds, when it comes to creating goals, they do not always have to have a functional purpose. Set fun goals for yourself. I find when I set a goal that is really fun and a little selfish, I am more motivated to accomplish the more daunting, less fun goals. Think about what gets you out of bed in the morning and what makes your day complete and go do it.

2. Think about what will help your career

While setting goals to help you find, keep, or move ahead in your job might be as fun as getting your eyebrows waxed, doing so will help set your apart from all of the other well-educated and motivated quarter-lifers out there. Think about your industry or the industry you want to be in. What are the big dogs doing? Find that out and make career goals based on that.

3. Get out of your comfort zone

It’s cliche and it is true. I like to envision my comfort zone as a place where I don’t wear a bra and eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia while watching anything Shonda Rhimes creates. That’s a great place to be but if I stay there for too long, my brain will rot. Think about getting out of your comfort zone both professionally and personally and find ways to intentionally push yourself.

4. Find a way to be held accountable

Confession. I am the queen of giving myself excuses. One time I was at the gym on a treadmill about to hit the start button when I realized that I did not have a hair tie. I left the gym without even starting a workout. I need someone to hold me accountable. For me, it’s my friend Ashley. She is encouraging without being nagging and doesn’t take any crap. I also create to-do lists and mark deadlines on a large desk calendar so I visual reminders of my upcoming goals. Think about ways to hold yourself accountable and how to implement them in a fun a creative way.

5. Treat Yo’ Self


Regardless if you are crushing goals just for fun or to help move your career for. Find ways to take a moment and reward yourself for your hard work. Take a night off and have a glass of wine or go to dinner with friends or get a manicure. By finding little ways to reward yourself for setting and completing goals, you’ll be more likely to follow through with them and to continue setting goals.

Photos: Death to Stock Photo, Reaction GIF

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